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Thursday 10 March 2016

Some People ... - Chris du Toit

Readers of the 361 pages of ‘Some People….’ have been intrigued, confused, angered, enlightened, delighted , dazzled and mesmerised by its contents. No literary effort on its own, since William Caxton printed the first English book in 1474, has offered the reading public such a variety of fact, fiction, fable, fantasy and fun in one illustrated volume.

Read the book from A to Z (cliché) or, depending on your taste, stamina, orientation and interests, select from the following in any order:

1. First High School experiences, wet dreams and shooting an elephant.
2. Hearing ‘The Pied Piper of Hamelin’ for the first time and jokes – especially Jewish ones.
3. Grandma’s influence on a growing boy and meeting Mrs Palm and her five daughters.
4. Learning the art of writing and explaining in detail how Jonah survived in the belly of a big fish.
5. Four enchanting fairy tales starting with ‘The Magic Piano’. One gay one, ‘The loitering Knight’, is strictly for adults.
6. A senior school boy and his girlfriend conduct a survey in London to find out whether 25% of parents allegedly tell their children that their private parts will fall off if they play with them too much.
7. Adam and Eve were created near modern day Cape Town because anthropologists have come to the irrefutable conclusion that all human life originated in Africa.
8. Two ideas for blockbuster movies in Hollywood.
9. Lady Macbeth is played in the nude by a school boy.
10. Are you sure there is a God? Find out if there is one.
11. We are all potential savages under a thin veneer of civilization.
12. Oh, the joy of scoring for the first time with a hot girl!
12. Critics’ and readers’ reactions to the first edition of ‘Some People….’ Except for the opinion of one reader, the book doesn’t seem to be a serious contender for the Nobel Prize for literature.

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