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Friday 4 November 2011

Wie Met Vuur Speel - Deon Meyer

Why Men Want Sex and Women Need Love - Allan Pease, Barbara Pease

Vier Begrafnisse en 'n Troue - Pat Stamatelos

Tinkers - Paul Harding

Those Who Love Night - Wessel Ebersohn

The Weekend - Bernhard Schlink

The Unlikeley Secret Agent - Ronnie Kasrils

The Street - Biyi Bandele

The Sense of an Ending  - Julian Barnes

The Red Queen - Philippa Gregory

The Other Half Lives - Sophie Hannah

The Imperfectionist - Tom Rachman

The Geometry of Pasta - Caz Hildebrand

The Finkler Question - Howard Jacobson

The Drowning People (not book club) - Richard Mason

The Children's Book - A.S. Byatt

The Cast Iron Shore - Linda Grant

The Blasphemer - Nigel Farndale

The Black Book - Orhan Pamuk

The Angel's Game - Carlos Ruiz Zafon

The Anatomy of Deception - Lawrence Goldstone

Super Sad True Love Story - Gary Shteyngart

Started Early, Took My Dog - Kate Atkinson

Silk - Alessandro Baricco

Room - Emma Donoghue

Only Time Will Tell - Jeffrey Archer

Message from an Unknown Chinese Mother - Xinran

Killing Kebble - An Underworld Exposed - Mandy Wiener

Juliet Naked - Nick Hornby

Hi Low In-Between - Imraan Coovadia

Guernica - Dave Boling

Finding Jack - Gareth Crocker

Fall of Giants - Ken  Follett

Die Vierkant van die Wraak - Pieter Aspe

Die Begunstigde - D.J. Winterbach

Daniel - Henning Mankell

Cutting for Stone - Abraham Verghese

Cure - Robin Cook

Crooked Letter - Tom Franklin

Chef - Jaspreet Singh

Book of Clouds - Chloe Aridjis

blueeyedboy - Joanne Harris

Blonde Roots - Bernardine Evaristo

Between the Assassinations - Aravind Adiga

Anderkant Pontenilo - Irma Joubert

And Furthermore - Judi Dench

A Week in December - Sebastian Faulks

A Tiny Bit Marvellous - Dawn French

60 Dae in Suid-Soedan - Frans Kemp